Pendulums don’t ‘Do their Own Thing’

change your energy to change your life! My Pendulum Said . . . You often hear dowsers who use pendulums say, ‘my pendulum said X was good for me,’ or ‘my pendulum said I should/shouldn’t do X.’  As if their pendulum were doing its own thing, completely separate from them. Even experienced dowsers often seem…

Energy Awareness Q&A

change your energy to change your life! “Awareness” usually means perception. You are, for example, aware that the sky is blue or that water is wet. So “energy awareness” means perception of energy. But it also means much more than this because the more energy-aware you become, the more you naturally awaken your: dormant talents…

Shendor Pendulum

change your energy to change your life! The Shendor pendulum is the most recent and most powerful Ishka [whole energy body] pendulum from Energize Your Life. It includes all the functions of the Omega Pendulum plus additional, unique benefits (marked with an asterisk * below). An empowering Ishka pendulum … responds rapidly – since your energy responds to everything instantly doesn’t depend on…

Omega Pendulum

change your energy to change your life! Whereas, in the world of pendulums, the Perfect Pendulum is the ‘best in class,’ the Omega Pendulum is much more than just a pendulum. It is, in fact, a unique, life-empowering, personal and spiritual development instrument. All pendulums depend on, and reflect, changes of energy flow in the…

Perfect Pendulum

change your energy to change your life! The ‘Rolls-Royce’ Of Pendulums If you want a pendulum that is exquisitely balanced, highly-responsive, safe, accurate and beautiful to boot, you’ve come to the right place.We have been helping dowsers awaken their innate energy awareness for over 30 years. During that time we’ve been shown many pendulums used…

Change Your Energy To Change Your Life

change your energy to change your life! Change Your Energy To Change Your Life or . . Amira Gets Her Man Amira got married recently. It’s been quite a journey from when we first met her a few years ago. Then, she was still reeling from a highly stressful, often abusive marriage, raising two children…

Is He ‘The One?’

change your energy to change your life! The same themes seem to come up again and again for our friends, shendo (‘energy awareness’) practitioners and clients – perhaps due to the time of year or the energies of the stars . . . who knows. Whatever the cause, a recent theme has been that of finding, or being with,…

An Introduction to Effective Dowsing

change your energy to change your life! Body Energy Talk and Pendulums Many people ask us, ‘how, exactly, does a pendulum work?’ Every moment of the day and night, your energy is responding to the world around you. One response (there are many) is through microscopic movements of your muscle fibres. Even when you’re sitting…